Thursday 11 January 2018

Daughter & husband in Queenstown, New Zealand

Daughter is now in New Zealand's south island staying in Queenstown there near the bottom. The first picture below is the view from where they're staying, and the one below that is an hour's walk to Queenstown itself.

I've never been down the south island myself. After the upbringing I had in Taranaki all I wanted to do was get out of the place and away from my asshole family. 

I notice Queenstown is very near Fiordland, the bit on the left with lots of waterways. That's where they filmed the latest Alien movie (as well as Sydney) for those scenes where they found the alien ship. It rains all year there, highest rainfall in the world, only a couple of days a year sunshine. Why it was raining in the movie I suppose. 

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